Do not let the paint-drying time hold your productivity back. Our Xcelerator Waterborne Paint Drying System for paint booths offers faster curing times for your automotive painting booths.
Efficiency: The system creates convection on the paint coating. It can penetrate the boundary layer, thus heating and drying the coating faster. It helps you achieve a 50% improvement in flash and cure times.
Heat distribution and efficiency: The Xcelerator waterborne drying system disperses heat to allow a balanced drying of the paint.
Filtration: The system cleans, heats, and delivers air via intake ports on the booth walls.
Compressor: The Xcelerator paint drying system features independent turbines and motors.
Height: You can choose between the 5ft and 6ft system to enable you to reach even the tallest vehicle roofs and hoods.
Energy savings: You can save up to 50% of the total energy used.
Optional horizontal module: The module provides additional central airflow to the extra-long workspaces.
SmartPad controls: Using the digital controller, you can activate or deactivate the system automatically or control the temperature. Alternatively, you can mount manual controls next to your system.
Packages: XR4 (fully independent), XR2 (paired), and XR (all modules on/off).